A New Leaf Inc
Company Name: A New Leaf Inc
Status: Active
State: Oklahoma
Post: 74012-7137
County: Tulsa
City: Broken Arrow
Address: 2306 South 1st Place
Phone: (918)451-1491
Fax: (918)451-0173
Email: sales@anewleaf.org
Contact Executive Director: Kim Falcon
Web site: www.anewleaf.org
SIC code: 526108 Industry group: Building materials & hardware, Business category: Retail nurseries & lawn supply stores, Subcategory: Nurserymen
Employees: 66
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 8996400
Overall: A New Leaf Inc is a business categorized under retail nurseries & lawn supply stores, which is part of the larger category building materials & hardware. A New Leaf Inc is located at the address 2306 South 1st Place in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma 74012-7137. The Executive Director is Kim Falcon who can be contacted at (918)451-1491.
Description: Retail Nurseries And Garden Stores
- Non-profit organization
- Plant nursery
In summary:
- Beautiful Blooming Acres, fresh produce, friendly staff.
- Very friendly and inviting place for special people!
- The rest of the stuff wasn't helpful.
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Name: D.F.
Message: Beautiful Blooming Acres, fresh produce, friendly staff.
Name: K.L.
Message: This is a great organization. They provide training and employment for adults with disabilities. AND they have great, reasonably priced plants. They have a good selection of succulents (again reasonable prices) along with other indoor & outdoor plants. Ask them about their Plant Bar - a fun way to share some time with friends, learn about New Leaf & get a nice plant for yourself.
Name: E.S.
Message: Wonderful organization that does so much for the community!
Name: J.G.
Message: I love my job! I love working here! From my co-workers to the staff in the offices! It's like one big family!
Name: K.H.
Message: Very friendly and inviting place for special people!